Monday, 27 January 2014

Day Three, Chennai, India


          As expected, I have much less time to keep up with blogging now that classes have started. My entries will probably be short and sweet for the most part from here on out.
         This morning started off with a workout, another spicy/delicious breakfast, and three hours of international business class. From what I've seen thus far, I think I will really enjoy this class because it will be primarily based on our discussion of current issues in the Indian market as well as the global market. Since the class will only last two weeks, the workload is pretty hefty. Nothing I can't manage though.
         After lunch, we started yoga class. This class is proving to be just as interesting if not more interesting than I anticipated. Our instructor is very good at what she does and she is excited about teaching us something we know so little about. Today's class wasn't too intense, but I've been told we will be picking up the pace very soon and we will be standing on our heads (or attempting to do so) near the end of the two weeks.
         Almost immediately following yoga, we hopped in a van and made our way to Kapaleeswarwar Temple a few kilometers away. This Hindu temple was originally built in the 7th century and now stands with fresh coats of paint in the middle of the busy streets of Chennai. Neil was pretty familiar with the temple and was able to give us a good guided tour. After leaving the temple, we went to a traditional South Indian dance performance. It was definitely something that I've never seen before. Unfortunately, the chairs were comfortable and we were all pretty tired so some of us dosed off about halfway through the performance.
         We got to ride in three-wheeled taxis again (my favorite mode of transportation) on the way back to the hotel after eating some excellent Indian food at a global Indian "fast food" chain. Now, I've finished my schoolwork and I'm absolutely exhausted. Looking forward to starting the day off on the right foot tomorrow with some yoga at 7:30am.


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