Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Day Ten, Chennai, India


          This will probably be my shortest post so far. What can I say? It's Monday. Back to schoolwork and no all-day adventures. We got back into the routine of two hours of yoga in the morning, lunch, then three hours of international business. I'm still finding the class to be pretty interesting. Our professor is a very smart man with infinite knowledge of Indian and U.S. economies and their relations. He can also name just about every current elected U.S. government official. Today he was shocked that none of us were able to name all of the current members of the President's cabinet. He does a really good job of constantly making us think critically and debate issues amongst ourselves instead of just lecturing for three hours about the way the world does business. The more I learn about him, the more I realize what a valuable connection he will be someday down the road.
           We ate dinner at the hotel since our meals are free on weekdays, then the guys and I walked around the local area for an hour or so to check out a few stores and buy some of the necessities that we're running out of. Now we're all working on twenty-page papers and presentations. Since I didn't take a single picture today, here's a panorama from yesterday. Look closely and you'll see goats and monkeys on the rocks to the right.

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